Monday, April 25, 2011

Crossword Puzzle NETS-T ll


I utilized the Microsoft Office Excel tool to create this artifact that can provide students with a digital-age learning experience.

Monday, April 18, 2011



The digital tool Inspiration 9.0 was used to clearly depict the artifact that was created. This tool can be used to map out or outline information effectively for the audience.
This artifact was an effective tool for organizing the 5 NETS-T. For each NET I gave two examples and explained how they connected to the NET. I used images and formating in Inspiration. I incorporated a hyperlink and uploaded the image as a JPEG.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Prezi Presenation & Assessment

NETS  ll & lll
This presenation I created with and it shows my innovative ideas for the NETS for Student profiles that I can use in my own classroom. I also created an assessment using Google Docs so that peers can give feedback to me on my presentation!!
Click here for results!